Saturday, December 26, 2009

Welcome to all

Hey SR'ers!

I have reflected back on the last 3 years of SR growth and expansion and realized that the bigger we get, the faster I have to travel.  This is all fine and dandy, but it leaves me feeling like something is lacking...time to just talk...and share...and be friends with you all.  Not that we don't have fun together...we do!  But, I know there are things you all wonder about (such as, what is it like to be on the road 327 days per year?  What is driving in snow and ice like at 2am?  What was the show in Somewhere, State like?  Who played?)

Additionally, you all need to know you can talk back to me...comment on things...make suggestions...and simply talk to me.  There is a lot of the Fun of Friendship that we are all missing...and we need to find it.  Right here, right now, we all need to get more connected as the world disconnects on every level.  This is something I see in my daily travels that I hardly ever share with that will be here personal views of what is going right and wrong in America as I see it daily.

Who knows what the result of this blog will be?  Who cares as long as it get us all more in tune with each other!

I may NOT be able to blog daily; however the blazingly fast new Alienware Laptop (nicknamed ET) will help!

For now...over the first block of the year, I will invite you all to join my blog...and ask that you comment and share as you see fit.  Additionally, make sure to get on Facebook with me, if you have not.  I will see how other things work for me as well...Whatever It make sure we all truly connect in SR America!


PS. The Crested Caracara, from Florida, is your friend of the day :)


  1. I have tweeted the blog and will be putting it up on myspace and facebook shortly. Good to see you tonight!

  2. Kelli,

    Thanks for can tell Mary to send it to the site coordinators I talked to members from also...just Minne, Rochester, TOI, and Fox Cities. Thanks!

  3. That's a cool bird. How did you get the picture on there like that? And do you have an all time favorite bird?

