Thursday, April 22, 2010

Book Time Now!!

My apologies for a much longer time away from the Blog then I intended!  I have been traveling like nuts...even for me...and not finding any internet time...I am behind on email, on Facebook, on the Blog, on the schedule, and on booking motels/flights/cars...SO...basically every part of my life!  But, with a lot of Never Give Up...I will get caught up...and made some progress that was good.  The better news...all the traveling has included great shows, great practices, great members, NEW stories (including the almost famous GOB can all wait on this one until your next practice/show with me!)...AND...drum roll...MORE new parts done for my new song..."If I Had U"!  Better...they are complete with Left Hand favorite, right?  So, look forward to all of is we prepare for the Summer Mega Event...we need to set goals...and one of those goals is:

1.  To debut "If I Had U" at this WORK HARD on your tick tock beat...get it up to speed...and if you have learned the UnFunkItTized First Verse on this too!  Then, work on the really cool triplet 2nd verse-3 drum gallop...and work on it until it is perfect!!  It looks great at sites that have done watching Drum Stick for Jordan to get these parts up sometime in the next 2 weeks I bet.  When sites have these done, all that is left is...FunkItTized Second Verse Stuff...4 drum Mega Gallop...Uber Snake...and Zig Zag...all coolio names if I say so myself.  **WOOT**  When those parts are done, we will choreograph all remaining sections we feel need it...and then work in the Blue and Red glow sticks...for our showiest number ever!  The message will be...all things are possible when we have God as the number one guiding force in our lives...ignoring the draw of money, fame, stage, celebrity, well as talking about trusting each other/relying on each other/and sharing...all demonstrated through the drum shall be a great addition to the show!

2.  To see if we can have a rough draft of the Story of SR available for folks coming to the Mega Weekend (so Jovanna, finally get those editing skills ready).

In order to start putting some of this together...I would like to see each of you Blog on here about the following questions:

1.  When did you join SR? (Month and Year if you can)
2.  Why did you join SR?
3.  How has SR changed/grown/morphed since you joined?
4.  What have you learned about being a DRUMMER because of SR?
5.  What have you learned about Succeeding because of SR?
6.  What have you learned about Helping Others because of SR?
7.  What is your FAVORITE SR memory of all time?

There are many more questions to start this process rolling, but I want to start with these and let you all comment on them...and to each get cooking on this.  As we start to see part of this unfold, we are going to start going back in time, and I will give you all assignments to work on that fit things that were going on in different eras of SR...when you watch for this...and I will do my best to keep it going through the rest of the April shows/travel I am doing...



  1. Ok! haha, wooot! I'll get them ready, Steve -- starting with your first sentence. You used 'then' when you should have used 'than'.

  2. 1. I joined SR when i was 11 in 2006...i think :)
    2. I joined SR because it looked like so much fun! i was sitting there watching Alex, AJ, and Steve have the time of their life up there and i just thought " i wanna be a part of that." then i heard the message and how many people it had affected over the years.
    3.Well SR has definitely grown at our site. We have pretty much watched each other grow up and we have all grown so close. but the overall group in general i have made many new friends and it really is truely amazing how many lives Steve has changed.
    4. Well i learned coordination for one haha. but it has really brought me out of my comfort zone. i was always so shy...but drumming has changed that.
    5. i have learned that if i had given up on SR like my brother i dont think that i would be the same person. i would never be as close or maybe never have even met the other drummers that i have through SR. I have also applied it to cheerleading, which by the way my tryouts are tomorrow :) i never give up :)
    6. well i learned that if i helped people who need it, then i would feel better myself.
    7. My favorite SR memory of all time was when we were in Tennessee and Scott and his family were hosting us. We got in around 2 in the morning and we all went straight to bed. Well i had woken up the next day and we all heard this strange sound from upstairs. Here Chris one of our members had thrown up all over Scott's white carpet. We all felt so bad but for the rest of the trip he was known as "puke Boy" good times, good good times :)

    Sorry i wrote so much :)

  3. I joined SR in June of 2009!! I joined because it looked absolutely awesomely cool and I found more than that in it! I found that you meet new amazing people at every show and it gives you a place where you feel like you belong! SR has grown immensely in the 10 months that I have been a member! Which is totally awesome! In order to succeed in life you have to be willing to do whatever it takes TO succeed! Helping each others is VERY important! Helping each other out with different beats and stuff allows the site to learn new songs quicker!!! favorite SR memory soo far....this is tough...Well I am pretty sure it is from practice before a show in Union/Wahington, MO! When I was somehow placed next to Princess (Kathy)! Which should have NEVER happened!! You should never put a Princess and a Peanut next to each other!! HAHA! Well during Footloose Princess kept trying to knock over my drums when we spin around! It was TOO funny! But overall my favorite parts of SR are meeting new people, enjoying myself, and having a place where I fit in and belong!! And I absolutely LOVE EVERY MOMENT OF IT!!!!!
    Sorry! This is a LOT! But I answered all the questions!!:D

  4. Colleen- GOOD LUCK TOMORROW!!!! You will do great! (This is coming from a cheerleader as well) :)

  5. Colleen- good luck for cheerleading! :)
    1. My first SR practice was March, 25, 2007..i think.
    2. I'm still not EXACTLY sure, theres alot of reasons...because I'm still finding out.
    3. Not to be so shy--which i'm still working on, and meet new friends and all of the steps to success
    4. What I learned is that SR is like one HUGE family, and that we are pretty much brothers and sisters.
    5. I learned to believe in myself and everything is possible.
    6. Helping others-just doesn't make them feel good, it makes you feel good
    7. Well, the one I can remeber when we were at the watertown school shows and he was "pipes of steel"!!!

  6. 1. Ok... I think I joined in November 2005. Wow... that seems like so long ago.
    2. I had no reason to believe I could ever actually be a drummer myself, so God must have told me to.
    3. I have learned to become more confident in myself. I also used to be super shy - and still am... but not around SRians!
    4. Drumming can be about more than making noise. :D
    5. I've learned to dig deep and follow the SOS and I WILL succeed!
    6. I've learned I feel much better about myself when I help others. Just thinking about Feed my Starving Children, I'd say that most who've done it would say that they come away feeling as if they've gotten something out of the experience.
    7. Gosh... of all time? Oh, tough one, Steve. I'd have to say it was staying overnight at the Kapustka's with a bunch of others in order to be at a church show early the next morning. We stayed up so late playing Phase 10... much later than is advisable with a church show in the morning... but good times. Good times.

  7. Kristen and Autumn- thanks :) i think that im gonna need it cause the judges are really mean. but i made it last year and they are only cutting three girls so im not too too worried...but still... :)
    Jovanna- oh yea we have had our moments with phase ten especially Dee :)

  8. Phase 10 is so much fun. We should play sometime.

  9. Colleen- Just remember "Believe in Yourself!!!!" :)

  10. 1. September, 2009
    2. My hostsister (Tonia) was like "wanna try" and I did and liked it and like trying new things too
    3. Umm.. I'm really bad at this! Idk cant think well right now
    4. That it's hard and challenging! But also fun
    5. That anyone can succeed if they put their mind to it and actually try and have realistic goals.
    6. Well I already love helping others and all that but it really makes a difference to the people you are helping!
    7. Mt. Rushmore because that's totally one-of-a-kind experience for me

    Oh and I really liked everyones answers! :)

  11. You have all heard my story ... but here goes again.
    1 I joined SR in July 2009, after a three year process of extreme healing following my Dec. 31, 2005 auto accident in which I was given less than 50 percent chance of living overnight.
    2. I feel that I was called by God to be a part of the group, as I could hardly walk the first time I told Steve and Jordan I wanted to someday be a pat of the "family."
    3. Although our site went through tough times, we have grown much closer and helped each other grow.
    4. I have been a drummer since I was in fifth grade, however SR has taught me that I do not know it all and can learn something new about drumming everyday.(I guess you can teach old dogs a new trick or two).
    5. By learning new things in SR it has reenforced the attitude of always trying to succeed and never give up. My goal of becoming a member by overcoming hardship was my first way of succeeding.
    6. Helping others is my way of giving back all I owe to God for giving me the second chance at living.
    7. My favorite memory of SR so far is of course playing at Mt Rushmore 2010. But more importantly, something that I will always remember is making friends with so many young people that weekend and being accepted by them . This means more to me than any other thing that I have experienced with the group so far.
    Thanks to all of you for your friendship.

  12. I typed out this whole long thing and then Chrome crashed. Ugh.

    1. December 2009

    2. I was sick of regretting the chances I didn't take. I've had lots of chances to do things in my life, but I haven't taken them for fear of looking stupid, of messing up, of stepping outside my comfort one. I look back and think "Why was I so STUPID?" I regret every single chance I didn't take. As I was listening to the music and to the Steps of Success, I decided SR was NOT going to be one more thing I wish I did.

    Part of the allure of SR was searching for friendship and belonging. Although I have wonderful friends at school, they are the same people I've known for five years. Sadly they all seem to hate each other...

    Actually, I only went to the event I saw SR at in an attempt to get closer to my youth group. I may as well be a space alien amongst them sometimes.

    When I found SR, all the little pieces of my life seemed to just fall into place.

    3. I haven't seen much change, but then I've only been here for about five months.

    4. I never even considered becoming a drummer before SR. I learned just how fun and empowering it is. I would love to go further with drumming.

    5. The Steps of Success come in handy. If I'm apprehensive about something, I just think "Take a Chance!" and go for it. (Taking chances was and still is hard.)

    6. I've been given more opportunities to help others, and I've seen other people helping each other. It's wonderful to see and do.

    7. My first show! Everyone there was so encouraging and supportive. Sure, there was some epicness with the stage, but it was all good.

  13. 1. When did you join SR? (Month and Year if you can)

    4th of July 2007

    2. Why did you join SR?

    At first it was because I had 3 cousin in the group already and it looked like fun. :)

    Then that totally changed...

    3. How has SR changed/grown/morphed since you joined?

    Where do i start..... ummmm...... We have expanded the family and are getting new members all across the country all the time.

    4. What have you learned about being a DRUMMER because of SR?

    Drumming is harder then it looks at first.

    5. What have you learned about Succeeding because of SR?

    That you have to stay possitive even when it seems like you cant do something just keep going and never give up. It might not happen right away but don't give up and keep beleiving you can do it and eventually it will come true and will happen.

    6. What have you learned about Helping Others because of SR?

    Just because other people are different don't mean that they don't go through things outside of the time your with them. Some people are worse off then you so if make the time to help someone in need.

    7. What is your FAVORITE SR memory of all time?

    Oh my thats a lot of memories to go through.

    I would have to say the say the show I went to in November in Maplegrove,MN when I went back up to Iowa for the first time since I move to Georgia. I don't know if it was the fact that it was the first time i had seen any part of my SR family in almost 5 months at the time or what. I just know I had an amazing time.

  14. Kristen- I MADE VARSITY!!!! :)

    I love everyone's answers so far :)

  15. Wow I haven't been on here for ever!
    Jovanna-I noticed the then than error as soon as I read the first sentence too!
    Steve-I must say, I LOVE purple but this one messed with my eyes. (ouch!)
    To All-I will read all the comments above mine tomorrow when I'm not avoiding my psychology paper...
    Now to answer the questions...
    1. Aug 2008
    2. I had been thinking about it for at least 3 years, and when I found out there was a site in Clear Lake I decided I should try it and the message really made me want to be part of the group (Steve made me cry a good 3 times in those 2 shows that day, bet you didn't know that part Steve!) And it was the last day for a kid in my school that really didn't have many friends. I wasn't really a friend of his either, but I was nice towards him and he had told me a little about the group.
    3. We are more connected accross the country and incompused the family aspect much more.
    4. EVERYTHING...okay well not really, but mostly. I knew how to buzz roll before because of my friend, but now I am playing percussion parts in my high school band (which is stragne for a director to take there lead trumpet out of songs and move them to percussion or play both on one song.)
    5. I have learned that I am always able to succeed even when I don't think I can. The support system of people are there to push me (even when I don't want it...)
    6. I have learned to become a better listener and problem solver. I have also learned that even though I am just a senior in high school I CAN help people of all ages and of all walks of life.
    7. I don't know why, but playing in the two shows where either we were running on generator or had a parent trip over our extension chord really stick out. I guess it is because if I remember right Steve said this has only ever happened twice and I was there for both...I loved that in Nashville we were still able to do a show with little 4 inch speakers and everyone loved it even if they couldn't hear. They loved it enough that Steve was still at the conference talking to people when we had all finished setting up and were eating supper at the next show many hours later. I guess knowing that we are able to get over things like losing the power and Steve's computer not liking that fact but being able to overcome those obsticles with not much of a disruption at all make these two shows (Nashville and Rochester) my favorite memories (meshed into one).

  16. Sonja-Your first show stage was pretty epic! I'm so glad I was able to share in your first show!
    Heidi-You ARE NOT really bad at drumming! I've watched you and you do fine!
    Jovanna-Staying at Kaputska's house is always an interesting least for me the couple times I have.
    Colleen-Yay! Congrats! And I'm glad you stuck with SR so I could meet you!
    Jovanna-You saying woot reminded me...
    To All: Woot shirts are in! If you ordered one get a hold of me so I can get them to you. :)

  17. Autumn, Sonja, Kristen, and Kelli- thank you :)

    Kelli- I am so glad that i did it was awesome meeting you too :)

  18. Kelli - haha I disagree but thanks! :)

  19. Heidi- You ARE a good drummer, don't say you aren't!

  20. Heidi- i agree with kelli and sonja!!!

  21. Heidi- you're outnumbered. ;)
    By democratic process, I think we've determined that you ARE a good drummer. :P

  22. Lol well thanks everyone :D I didn't meant to like just try to get compliments by stating it there! Just that everyone knows haha

  23. 1. I joined November of 2006

    2. I joined because I believe this is what I was meant to do. Sheltered Reality is a great way to change the world and help change someone's life for the better. I'm all about helping people overcome sadness and stress. When I saw Sheltered Reality for the first time it came to me that I can do this and I can take my passion for helping people to another level. Now I'm one of the site leaders for the Fox Cities Site.

    3. When I first joined I wasn't very confident in myself. Over the past couple of years in SR I have become more outgoing and a more positive person. If you were to see me before I joined and see me know, I look like two different people! I'm not shy by any means. I'm the person who's there for people when they're struggling. I love my life! I wouldn't trade for the world!

    4. What have I learned about being a drummer because of SR.... I can use my ability to drum as a way to help change the world through music. Everybody loves music. I can use that as a tool to help change lives.

    5. I have learned that when it comes to something you love in life, never take no for an answer. A journey of a thousand miles all starts with a single step. If I never took that chance and make that first step I wouldn't be answering this question right now.

    6. It all comes down to respect. If there is somebody I don't really like but they needed help and needed somebody there for them, I'll be there. Is it hard, indeed. But it's worth it in the end knowing that you gain their respect.

    7. My favorite memory was when I was in Poy Sippi Wisconsin for a church cookout. We had two shows that day and after the last show I had a lady come up to the show table and wanted to speak to me. At first I thought it was just another series of compliments you know, "Good Job" "You're a good drummer". But this completely blindsided me! She basically dove into my head and found all the bad things that has happened to me in previous years and told me how great of a person I turned out to be from overcoming all the hardship. She kept saying repetitively that I was meant to do this and someday become leader for SR. "Life isn't tied with a bow but it's still a gift." Ever since she told me that it has stuck with me everyday! The she told me that she spent most of her life as an atheist until about 2 weeks prior of the cookout. She told me I was an angel sent by god that day. To this day I'm so very glad to know that I reached out took someones life and put them in the right direction in life. I will never forget that!

  24. 1. When did you join SR? (Month and Year if you can) september of 2008
    2. Why did you join SR? I joined sr becuse i wanted to change the world in many ways and i loved the music an i love to sing and i love how everyone in sr is so nice and believes in the samething as me! I also joined because i knew that i would stay in sr foever and ever and i know that god is happy with my decision to be in sr!!!yay i love SR!!!!...:)
    3. How has SR changed/grown/morphed since you joined? Sr has become more difficuult since i joined and i know never to give up and i always follow the steps of success! Sr has been a group where i an just be myself and i still beleve that sr has stayed the same since i joined!again...I LOVE SR!
    4. What have you learned about being a DRUMMER because of SR? I have learned that you can drum to chnge the world and not just to have fun and show of. Although we in SR sure can ave fun fun fun!!!!...:)
    5. What have you learned about Succeeding because of SR? I have learned to follow the steps of success ad i believe in many things and i have learned to succeed in many things and never give up when i am working on a task.
    6. What have you learned about Helping Others because of SR? I have learned that you can be nice to everyone an dhelp everyone and just share you faith stry and drum to change peoples lives!
    what is your FAVORITE SR memory of all time? My favorite Sr memory was going to Mount Rushmore in 2010(this year) and getting to know new people and spending 9 days in south dakota!!!!...:)
    I LOVE SR!!!!..:)WOOT WOOT!!!!...:)
    Erica Jensen!!!!...:)

  25. 1. When did you join SR? (Month and Year if you can)
    I joined SR in October 2007.
    2. Why did you join SR?
    I joined SR because i thought it would be a great experience to help others.
    3. How has SR changed/grown/morphed since you joined?
    It has changed me by letting me be myself. It has welcomed my family and me. Also to follow the steps of success. It has helped me A LOT since i joined SR.
    4. What have you learned about being a DRUMMER because of SR?
    I learned to change peoples world with just one guest drumming song. It is so fun!
    5. What have you learned about Succeeding because of SR?
    I learned if you put your mind to it, you can achieve it.
    6. What have you learned about Helping Others because of SR?
    I learned that it makes you feel good, but it makes the person that your drumming with feel that they can accomplish anything.
    7. What is your FAVORITE SR memory of all time?
    My favorite SR memory is probably the Iowa State Fair, because you can meet new people, and you can just have fun.
