Friday, April 9, 2010


Hey All,

This post is NOT supposed to interrupt you all working on the post prior to it (Against All Odds: Site Challenge #1!...KEEP working on it please!  We do have sites nearing the goal of all members having made a keep at it!).  

However, Brenda P has asked that we come up with a truly catchy name for the Summer Mega Event...something besides Summer Mega Event...that we can use for PR we can make fliers, posters, t-shirts, etc...things to both promote the event as well as be souvenirs of the event; for us AND the audience.  

We want this event to truly succeed on every level although it is the first time we have Taken A Chance to do it...and the PR part of it is going to be VERY important...from the name of the event right down to the smallest of everyone start thinking and commenting to each other about this...right here, and right now!  We need to have the entire PR packet (name of event, slick looking flier, some video clips and newspaper articles about Mt. Rushmore this year, and even some of your thoughts from the last blog post) all put together and ready for a meeting on MAY 5th!  That will be here VERY we need you all to be very creative and very quickly.

Enjoy working TOGETHER on this...another great use of the blog that we did not expect.  I will look forward to seeing your ideas when I am next online...probably not until early next week.  I wish you all Good Thinking!


  1. SR Summer Blow-out
    WOOTNESSSSSSSSS WEEEKEND!!!!!!(not really thought i would try and make yall laugh a lil)
    Sheltered Reality and friends
    Sheltered Reality's BIG HUGE SUMMER BLOW-OUT!!!
    Drummers United
    St. Lois's SR event
    Drummers Gone Wild
    SR Gone Wild
    SR Extravaganza!!!!!( I dont know if i spelt it right but i tried)

    Here is a few....

  2. Just a few thoughts-

    SR "Do Good" Event
    SR "Be a Friend" Weekend
    or something involving Steps of Success
    Play It Loud Megaweekend
    Bang the Drums Show

  3. This sounds amazing!But I'm not really good at coming up with this stuff.. but I do agree with Brenda Summer Mega Event isn't really catchy, I like Amanda's- Summer Blowout :)

  4. I'm so bad at names... I second the "Play It Loud Megaweekend"! suggestion!

  5. Haha, Steve wrote URGENT and Amanda was all over his request like bees to honey.
    Anyway, I like the Play It Loud Megaweekend too!

    If we're going for something catchy, though, I think alliteration and rhyming works best. One year at MTR, one site was selling shirts that had Loud and Proud on the back. We could recycle that clever bit of rhyming.

  6. Just a few things came to me since it is in the St. Louis area:

    Drums Along the River
    Rock the River
    Mississippi Thunder
    Drums in the Heartland
    Midwest Riverfest

    Of course if I came (which I plan to do) it could be "Friend and Neighbors" (O.K. Maybe not ).

    Any of these catch anyone's fancy?

  7. The Drummer Experience
    Live Life Loud
    Make a Difference Power Hour
    Take a Chance event
    Drum Loud and Proud (Based on Jovanna's example)
    Real Drums, Real Differences
    Drum for a Difference
    Summer Drummer Bash
    Summer Drumming Bash(little like the last one)

    More to come....maybe

    Hope everyone is doing good! Have fun!
    Keep the ideas coming! I am sure that we could keep coming up with thousands of ideas and the best way could be to combine some of our ideas and put them together! We can do it!

  8. hmm...maybe after we all comment and talk about the names, we could put the ones we all like best in a poll?

    I kind of like the Midwest Riverfest one, and the Play it Loud Megaweekend too, though they all sound good!

  9. the only thing I can think of is..... Drum Your Head off Summer Event... I had Rock your sucks off soo yeah...

    I like the Make a Difference Power Hour. I think it sounds awesome! I keep on saying it! LoL it flows! ^_^

  10. I really like Rock the River... so it's too bad that that one's already taken. :( Last November, I think, there was a Rock the River gathering for Christian Youth. I wish I'd been able to go. So I would suggest that we stay away from it... else we be accused of stealing the name.

    But I like Alex's 'Make a Difference Power Hour' and 'Drum for a Difference' or 'Drumming for a Difference'.

  11. *Lifetime
    who woulda thought *I* would misspell something.

  12. i think that Live Life Proud is cool...but i really like the Make A Difference Power Hour :) good job Alex! :)

  13. I like the "Summer Drummer Bash" from Alex haha.
    Everyone's having really good one's though!

  14. I second Jovanna...Rock the River is already taken (and well known)...and I so wanted to go too!!! but I got pictures and videos from my friends who went! :)I found out the night before that I couldn't go anymore I was sad!

    but back on topic I like Make a Difference Power Hour the best.

  15. Its more then just a weekend so maybe we can do Make a Difference Power Weekend.

    IDK it sounds kinda.... Blah....but idk

  16. Amanda- i do agree that it is a weekend but its okay we will figure something out...all of us, together :)

  17. Make a difference Power Hours, then?

  18. I am sorry that I suggested "Rock the River" as i did not know it had already been used. However I agree with David Ruth that the top five that are chosen should be brought to a vote or poll. By the way David, thanks for liking Midwest Riverfest,

  19. How about:

    SR 3M Weekend - Mission Music & Message
    SR Mega Mission Blitz
    Live Life Loud & Proud
    SR Stand UP Event
    SR Midwest Connection 2010
    Mega Mission Mega Music Mega Difference

    I liked a lot of the others as well. Mine are kinda of corny. Brain is falling asleep. :)

  20. I don't know if this helps or not, but St Louis is known as the Gateway City (because of the Arch)

  21. the Gateway to success weekend! :)

  22. I like that Tonia! Gateway to success weekend!! hmm.. I can see it now!.. Lights flashing and a big sign that say that!! :D LoL just saying. ;) anyways I like it. ^_^

  23. tonia i like your suggestion it should be gateway to success megaweekend '10

  24. I dont just like the Gateway to Success. I LOVE IT!!!!!!

  25. Tonia- thats good!! i like it!!!! :)

  26. okay i just put up a picture and i wanted to see if it worked

  27. Tonia- your welcome :) so hows the eye? haha :)

  28. I think that gateway to success is a really good name. It is a good attention getter, and it describes our overall mission very well

  29. I have to agree.
    Tonia has came up with a great name
    The "Gateway to Success" Weekend ... I can see it now.
    Now lets get the drummers there to prove what our mission is.

  30. Tonia- Glad to hear your eye is better. And I love "Gateway to Success"!

  31. Tonia- glad to hear that your eye is better and i like the Gateway To Success! :)

  32. I have a we want a name that can be used for just this event or a name of an annual event that could take place anyway? I like the gateway but it is very specific, if that's what we want. I like the Summa' Drumma'Bash or Live Life Loud for a more general name. There are LOTS of great ideas! Good thinking everyone! I think we should come up with a general name that we could use every year and then have a "slogan" for the more specific place. Ie: 2010 Summer Drummer Bash-Gateway to Sucess St. Louis, with a graphic specific to the location!

  33. Jenn- i like the idea of the Summa' Drumma' Bash. its cool and i also agree with it having to be a more general topis if its not in St. Louis every year :)

  34. Some I like that other came up with are:
    Drumming for a Difference
    Live Life Loud Weekend
    Play it Loud Mega Weekend

    Here's a couple that I thought of:
    Music on a Mission
    Step It Up Weekend
    Living Out Loud
    Mega Music and Memories

    We can use any title as our main theme and then have a subtitle for where it moves around to each year. (Example: Music on a Mission 2010: Gateway to Success) Just an idea.

  35. Another great idea.
    However I like your "Drumming for a Difference" as the main mission theme and then " 2010: Gateway to Success" as the subtitle because of ST. Louis.
    When you stop to really give thought to this, we do drum to make a difference in our world.

  36. cant use rock the river already been done
