Sunday, January 3, 2010

GOOD JOB and FUN question

YAAAY!  We have grown from 19 to 34 followers since I looked 2 days ago.  I am proud of you all!  We are leaving Phoenix and going to SLC today...boarding the flight soon, so I cannot post a lot.  Today is the first practice of 2010!  WOW...another SR year underway...with several new songs to come, and perhaps even one or two removed from the current show.  Who knows??

TODAY's assignment:  What is your 2010 New Year's resolution, if any?  Not only do I ask you all to POST IT but also to READ each other's posts...and maybe even return to this one and repost something to everyone once all are done.

I am going to work very hard to get you all reading what everyone writes and thinking about it and using it to get to know SR folks you don't know.

More in about 2 days.


  1. Thanks to Pastor Wendi this morning I did make a resolution, I am going to get back in the Word again. I was doin really well last year, an then I became to "busy" with life. I let other things come before God when he is the one I should be thanking for giving me all of these new opportunities. With the end of senior year closing in and a new chapter in my life about to begin I really want to focous on the gifts God has given me and how he wants me to use them in His name. I will also put forth effort to help other people understand that they are the ones making themselves "busy" and making excuses throughout their day.
    I wish you all well on the resolutions you have made for the year. MiKayla, I see now why you thought Jordan and I had something to do with this challenge, but to my knowledge I don't! Take care everyone and I hope all of your new year has started out better than mine! ;)

  2. My resolution is to get a job. That way I can buy a nice cell phone, give to charity, and maybe contribute more to my share of SR costs. I can't mooch off my parents forever.

    I'm also looking to improve on my archery, starting with getting up to the 20 pound bow my coach wants me to use for tournaments, hopefully before the next tournament. A 13 pound bow is too wimpy at 15 yards.

  3. My resolution is to never again use the words 'hope' and 'hopefully' improperly.

    It is my hope that I will succeed with this resolution.


    Hopefully, I will succeed. ;)

  4. I just thought of a much better one: This year, I am going to finish my assignments for ALL my classes in a timely manner.

  5. I want to comment on Kelli's resolution - that is a great resolution no matter what age you are! Now that I have an empty nest, I should have no excuse to spend more time with God. However, it's so easy to let all the good (busy) things we do get in the way of what is best for us. Kudos to you, Kelli!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My resolution is to help my troubled friend find Jesus, my other resolutions are to get a job this summer and to start teaching drum lessons for my young neighbors.

  8. I haven't thought about my resolution yet, but I have been having some minor health issues so my resolution is to make healthier lifestyle choices as far as my diet and exercise is concerned. I had a good start until the holidays so now I need to resume. My next Dr. appointment is at the end of the month so I hope I will have made some progress.
    I wish you all the best with your resolutions and blessings for 2010.
    Shelly E. Fox Cities site

  9. Everyone's having so good resolutions! Mine is not to buy shoes that are too big, even if they are 50% of lol

  10. My resolution is to start going to a new youth group and get involved with the church that my parents have gone to and not the one that I normally go to. I think this is much like Kelli's! Oh I also want to improve my bible reading every once in a while I am like oh Im too tired, but my goal is to not miss one day this year!

  11. Tonia, we can work together on our reading resolutions. :)

  12. Great job to all those who posted here! My resolution is to get ALL of you to know each other better, to communicate in all ways possible in SR...and we seem to be making great progress already! I am proud that you are taking this seriously...AND...enjoying it from what I can have been hearing!

  13. Tonia and I decided we must work on this together because when she called me to find out where I was we discovered we were both on Job 34! :)

  14. My News Years resolution is to be more patient, don't sweat the small stuff, and realize in the end it is between me and God and he will guide me in the right direction. I also resolve to lead a healthier life style by working out and eating better.

  15. I don't really have a resolution for this year except for servive my firts couple years of high school and hey guys/girls from warren and every other site lol im part of the toledo site warren knows us already

  16. its me Devin Bartlett from the toledo site this website didn't let me use my name for the coments zooman is part of me e-mail address.

  17. to tell u the truth i havent really thought of my resalustion yet but if i have to choose it would be to loose a couple of pounds and change somthing that i eat and drnk. also i would choose to try to watch what i say and ask for gods wisdom in som of the situations i am faced with in everyday life, for his wisdom, strangth, and calmness.

  18. Well my resolution is to get closer 2 God. Im in a Bible Group and i LOVE IT! I love learning new things,and getting closer 2 God! :)
    I also want to get my dad back home. Im going to do whatever it takes to get him back home... He had 2 move 2 georgia bcuz theres no jobs up in Ohio so hes living down there while every1 else is up here. Its been a year now. He gets 2 come up 4holidays but thats just not enough time. We talk on the phones but still. So im not sure what im going 2 do but ill find out, ill do whatever it takes 2 make him come home and stay home.:)

  19. well as of right now i haven't really come up with a new years resolution yet. Maybe some of you could help. :0
