Monday, January 25, 2010

MEMBER Question 4: Jan 25, 2010

Time for a new question for you all to think about together.

What does it mean to have compassion for someone else and why is there SO little compassion evident in today's world?  What has happened to the golden rule of "doing unto others as you would have them do unto you".

I will be interested to hear what you all have to say about this question AND of course while answering it, relate it to something about SR.

Have fun!


  1. if you look back into the bible it quotes God as the "Father of compassion and God of all comfort".

    basically when you show compassion toward somebody you are being there for them and comforting them. through trials of hardship we need to show compassion to "empower" them to be happy and move on in life.

  2. ok well having compassion mean caring for someones feelings, or helping others. There is SOO little compassion in today's world because people are afraid to help strangers because there is so much crime and danger in this world. Or many people think only of themselves and what can you do for me. People forget simple things like smiling, or saying hello or good morning, or even holding a door open for somebody means a lot. Someone could be having the worst day ever and you holding a door or smiling or saying hello can totally make their day better.
    Now for SR. ok. SR reaches out to people thru its music and positive attitude. For example, the guest drummers are all welcomed as a SR person and live out our Steps of Success. We give them encouragement and help them with the beats.
    I was thinking that this would be an awesome new step.

  3. Compassion is feeling for others and caring about them.

    Compassion is rarely seen because people get so caught up in their own emotions that they forget other peoples'. We are so busy and preoccupied these days. People don't consider how their actions may hurt others because there's no space left in their hearts for that.

    Sometimes people do see hurting or suffering and feel it in their hearts, but are afraid to act on it. I know I have, unfortunately. We are afraid our kindness may be taken advantage of, and we will be hurt. We are afraid we will be used, misunderstood, or pushed away.

    In SR, I have been repeatedly amazed at the amount of kindness I have seen.

  4. For me, compassion is being willing to put yourself in the head and heart of another person. To be able to think and feel and experience what someone else is thinking, feeling and experiencing. Compassion allows the other person to be who they are and to love them right where they are. Compassion is always other focused.

    I think we don't see much compassion in the world today because we are all too worried about our own thoughts, feelings and experiences and we don't want to be bothered with someone else's. I am encouraged, though, that the world seems to moving out of the "me" generation and into the "we" generation and that young people especially are showing compassion for others.

  5. I agree with the other comments about folks being so wrapped up in their own lives and concerns. But I also see a lot more competitiveness in the world, and compassion would seem to be the polar opposite of the WIIFM (what's in it for me) attitude of so many. But, in fact, by acting compassionately there is tremendous reward in self-esteem, which is what is needed to get ahead. Hmmmm. Also, somewhere along the way, being a "nice guy" became a bad thing. It takes a lot of confidence to do the right thing regardless of how it is viewed. If others think you weak, it is refelective of their limited vision. So many do not believe in the abundance mentality. There is plenty of good things to go around. God's love for example, and what is compassion but the outward manifestion of just that. In SR, I see it all the time in the way we help one another succeed. And those who do it best, it shows in their performance. We frequently mention our Ohio sister (and mentor) site, Warren, as being an example of a close-knit group of amazing kids who are always there first to help us out, THEN to take care of their own stuff. We challenge ourselves to be more like them. It must be all that extra time in SR that did it. lol.

  6. Very good comments one and all. For those "not in the know yet"...the new SR Step of Success will be very open ended...and compassion is going to be one of the things I talk about. Tom, your comments are so true (everyone so far is right on about the world)...but the comment you made about along the way being a "nice guy" is a bad thing. SO TRUE. It is seen in how we practically make celebrities out of each person who does a BAD thing...and the more extreme the BAD thing...the more we make it practically a celebration. All of this needs to be addressed in our shows as we try to help our audiences, and our members, find their compassion for others...and then, help them to see that living to help another person is so much more rewarding and fulfilling than simply WIIFM (I LOVE that abbreviation!).

    The lack of compassion is also seen in small ways each and everyday. Relating it to my I travel the interstates, the amount of people who are "in their zone" of the phone and/or texting and then swerve in front of other cars, drive way too slow in all lanes available, act like they are the only person in the world...all because they are focused inwardly...and on immediate gratification.

    Too many examples of this are everywhere in the ME generation.

    Kim, I want to agree that we are moving into a WE generation...but sadly, I do NOT see it at the elementary ages...they seem to have become more ME in the last few years...a trend I hope we can drum away.

    You can all comment again from here :)

  7. I don't spend a lot of time with youth, but do think there is a trend among teens and young adults to look outside themselves - the We focus Kim mentioned. I think elementary kids tend to me more Me focused as a normal part of development. But there is always room for improvement and if we drum it away, I'm all for that!

  8. I believe that compassion is when you help someone out for them and not to benifit you. There is not alot of compassion going on in the world.

    I like to think of the movie Pay it forward. It is one of the greatest movies ever. I love how it shows how if only 1 person helps someone out then that person helps someone else out and the cycle keeps going this world whould so much better. It could be as easy as helping someboby up that has fallen instead of laughing at them or walking down the street with leftovers from tonights dinner and giving it to a complete stranger on the side of the road. Everyone needs so compassion int their lives.

  9. Let's see if it will actualy let me post this this time.
    When I first see the word compassion I think back to the church show in Lake Mills last March where we used "Run It Back" to talk about forgiveness. I feel that compassion includes love, forgivness, and understanding. Understanding that we are all our own people and we all make mistakes. We cannot put eachother down for being different.
    In today's world we are all extremly connected which can be a good or bad thing. Things such as the internet and texting give people the opportunity to do or say things that they wouldn't do in person, which can be very hurtful to others. I did a whole rant about this on my blog, but anyways...when we use these tools we don't think about the person, we only think about us.
    I agree with Kim that we as society today really only care about ourselves and don't want to be "bothered" by anyone's feelings or ideas. It bugs me that most of us really don't care about other people and only think about what is best for ourselves and not the whole group, state, country, or whatever you are talking about.
    I think that the events in your life that happen to you can help you to learn to have compassion for others. I have seen a change in my graduating class since we first started going to school. At first we pretty much would be all best friends and yet hate eachother and show no compassion at the same time, then we lost a classmate in a house fire in elementary school and we all started learning about compassion and how to help one another. Then last year with T.O.'s accident we really started to mature and really bond together and become aware of the world around us. Throughout the years we have learned to show respect for each other and even though we still have daily drama in the high school we have learned how to treat eachother the way we want to be treated, if only the whole world could learn, without having to go through all of those hardships.

  10. What they said, haha.

    No, but in all seriousness, yes. Compassion is a powerful force - a powerful presence that can mean so much to someone who is struggling for whatever reason. And those who are compassionate need not even know what someone is struggling with to feel for them. Sometimes showing compassion can be as simple as lending an ear for someone to pour out their troubles, or a shoulder to lean on, or a friendly smile.

    I was reading through the comments, and I must say, Ben nailed it. God is the father and author of compassion. This world has turned from compassion for the same reasons it has turned from God. We simply care more for ourselves than for others. Let's change that. Let's be the ones brave enough to turn around and wade against the current of unending coldness and uncaring disregard.

  11. To me compassion means have a conscience to other peoples distress or problems. Basically to be willing to comfort someone and help them. I think we tend to see little compassion in this world for many reasons. First of all people these days tend to really only look out for themselves. They worry about them and not other people and what they are going through. Almost as if they are afraid something will happen if they take time away from what they could be doing to improve their lives and use it to help or comfort someone else. Also we just don't seem concerned about what other people are going through. People I think feel like only what is going on with their lives matters. We don't realize that people are hurting or in need of help. I think another big factor is the economy at the moment. People are worried about their jobs and keeping a stable lifestyle. They don't think about giving an extra dollar at the supermarket to provide to world hunger or kids with cancer. Then think if they don't spend all their time working or helping their life that is will suddenly vanish or disappear. They don't take the time to realize what other people are going through. I know we all do this. it is human nature, but if we could just try to over come this the world would be so much of a better place, for everyone. It doesn't have to be drastic but even the smallest change could help us all.

    In SR I think we show compassion by reaching out to all of our audiences'. We let then have a chance to try something new that can maybe help them in life. Maybe as to provide as a help to what is going on at home or school. Kind of like a way to escape and have fun. To feel appreciated. We also teach kids our Steps to Success which I think empowers kids a lot. Even though compassion is not a step I believe it is represented in the steps we already have. it teaches kids to reach out to other people and that you can always make a difference. Just being a friend goes with compassion. It is all about reaching out to people and doing something nice, treating them the way you want to be treated. It shows them that they can do something for someone else and you could get a great reward... a friendship.

  12. first of all, i agree with everyone's comments :)

    to me compassion is when you find that the world is what it is basically. we cannot do anything about it unless people start to be the gentlemen or the lady who is kind enough to helpa broken down car at the side of the road. people neglect the faaat tht other people do actually want to help.

    compassion- love and understanding...that is my defination of it.

    to many people have problems that they have to take care of and no one ever wants to help... just stop, think, and then help the person. it ould make them feel so much better.
    i know it would make me feel better. but would it make YOU feel better?

  13. I think a person gains compassion by having a servant attitude. For some reason, in our society, people don't learn that. A lot of kids are basically spoiled and have that 'me first' attitude. That's one reason I always like to go on mission trips with our youth group. Every year we are put in situations that force us to meet people not like ourselves and help meet their needs. We have to 'step outside our box' (Take A Chance) to learn about the people we're helping and relate to them one-on-one. We think we are doing them a favor, but we also receive a blessing.

  14. well compassion is caring and doing anything for them. why there is so little is that it seems that way to me. right now, with Haiti a lot of poeple are caring, but not everyone. Some of them are scared, or they don't care. The golden rule has been forgotten right now, its mostly me first,and whoever after me, i am my number one, why should i care about anyone else. In sr we can show people to succeed and showing them that we care and that we want you to have fun. We're kinda like a second chance for hope :)

    also can someone PLEASE HELP ME by finding how to have my real picture instead of this logo

  15. Autumn- i KNOW!!! i tried like 5 times and it still wouldnt go up. i was getting so frustrated and i still havent managed to get one up. never give up rigth :) i will let you know if i find a way :O

  16. Colleen- thanks, eventually we'll figure it out, right :) hopefully

  17. how am i going to find out that? i mean i am still tring to find that out

  18. Autumn- yea we will :) TEAMWORK haha

  19. Autumn- you got a pic!!!!! good job!! :D

  20. Autumn- how did you actually get your pic up i try all the time and it still wont come up or go up or whatever the proper english is for it :) oodjob your gonna have to tell me your secret :)

  21. Dee- ha thanks! i had to open a google account, ugh it took forever!

  22. Autumn- yup no problem. :D I had to do that also, but I did it on accident because I had no clue what I was doing, so then it worked but took for ever. lol. :D I had noo clue what I did until after I did it. ^_^
