Thursday, February 18, 2010

Block one done...113 followers (and how many readers only?)

We are officially through block one of the 2010 SR practice schedule (already!!) and also officially through 6 weeks of the new blog.  With 113 followers already (and many folks reading but not yet following/commenting...if you are doing that...Take A Chance!  Get on here and talk!!).

So, it is time to post a question for EVERYONE to answer.

How has the blog changed you?  How has having a way to connect to other SR members (drummers or parents) made you feel more connected to the entire National SR family?  Why do you want to see even more members finally begin following and commenting?

There ya go...take this one away for now.  I am at home and doing the usual here...laundry, catching up on mail, etc.  I will be leaving for St. Louis on Sat and may NOT get back on the blog until after next is STL practice Sat, shows in Troy, IL on Sun (YAAAY!), then flying to Salt Lake and Phoenix for Monday and Tuesday...lots of travel and very early flights on Monday (have to be at the airport at 4am...yuck!) bear with me a few more days if we don't see a lot of new things here. 

However, a things ARE coming for you to work on together as we take one step closer to the real SR book watch for the next thing to work on together for that.  However, if all goes well tomorrow morning, you may get one more thing from me before hitting the road for the next 5 busy keep an eye out.


  1. I love meeting new SR drummers around my age any way its pretty cool to see adults doing it too i mean its not every day you see adults dancing around and being real active lol.
    I'm first to post again WOOT!

  2. steve- Thanks. :)

    Well, lets see.. The blog has changed me in many ways, like I never knew I talked this much ever in my life! lol most of the time Im shy and miss out on things and im glad im not. This blog is amazing with awesome people that I love soo very much. and Yes I love it. I was thinking a few days ago, if Steve never made this blog I would never had the chance to talk to other SR people. I know you could meet at MTR but I was always soo shy to go up and talk to someone I dont even know. I love being able to talk to everyone on here. Makes my day. I could be having a bad day and come home and the first thing I do it check the blog. It makes me happy. :D and I would LOVE it if more followers commented. Its soo much fun to be able to talk to SR members from all over, and its crazy how much everyone has things in common! I think its pretty awesome if you ask me. And if you comment you never know... You could have a new best friend that you dont even know about. :)
    thats all i have for now. I'll probably add more when I get back on. lol. (:

  3. Ditto.
    What Dee said. Haha, no. But in all seriousness... hmm, I don't know that this blog has changed me per se. It's definately drawn out a bit of the me that people don't know because I'm too shy to show it. For example, yes, I've been to MTR before and probably seen many of you. But - because I'm shy - I regret to say that I haven't always made the most of my opportunities to meet all of my SR family at MTR. Now that we have this blog, I feel like it's going to act as something of a booster for us. Those of us who have been diligent about commenting here are most definately going to seek each other out at MTR this year.

    And then it's going to be great, because all of Dee's friends from her site are going to watch us freak out when we meet each other face to face for the first time and they'll be like ... hey... we're missing something here. And the blog will grow, etc. etc. :)

    Moral of the long, convoluted story that probably made no sense: keep posting on this awesome blog so that we can get to know each other even better!

  4. Like most this is something new for me. I had to remind myself some STEPS to even try this.
    It is great to see that whether you are Salt Lake City or Toledo OH (etc..) you can meet others and become closer. Because SR is truly a family.

  5. Hmm, I guess the blog has changed me. To me it's also kind of a reminder becuase I get on here it's like, wait, oh ya! I have to go pratice my drums! I like it becuase I never get to here a lot about other people in SR becuase we don't have a ton of shows around our area in the winter, so I get to meet new people. Also, becuase I get to find out that I have a lot of stuff in common with other people that I would have probably never have known. I want to see everyone on the blog, even though that might get a little confusing but I think it would be awesome! :)

  6. Eau Claire Unit REPRESENT!

    I don't know that I've been CHANGED by this blog, but I have got to meet some nice folks. I'd like to meet some other (almost) middle aged folks who drum-so I can get hints on how to keep up with the younger folks :)

    SR is a hoot! I'm fulfilling a life time desire to drum and I'm able to be in ministry to others at the same time. It's a gift when things in your life come together like this. So I'm blessed to be a part of all this and delighted to get to know all you peeps from all over.

    *friendly wave*

  7. humm Idk if this blog has actually changed me that much, because I have been outgoing for quite awhile now, but it has given me opportunities to meet new members and to learn about their experience and what it has meant to them. I also like knowing what is going on, like when Faith got their new drums, and when the new step came out! I also have even more people that I can trust and would go to for advice. I think that members in SR are much different from others that I know in life I feel that even if I dont see some of them very often I have a greater connection with them, because we are different, I am not saying that no one else is as good as a friend, but overall for me its easier to talk to members and parents involved in SR.

  8. When I first joined SR, I was kind of scared that because I am so shy and tend not to go out and talk to people, I would end up isolated, as that shy kid who never talks to people. Between the people I've talked to on here and the people I've talked to at my site, I'm not worried about that anymore! I've gotten to know people I wouldn't have otherwise (like Dee and Colleen) because they're too far away and I wouldn't go up to people at MTR (if I go) that I don't know. I've also gotten to know people that I would meet otherwise way better (like Kelli and Jovanna).

    I agree with Jovanna. The non-blog users will be rather confused when we all meet and start shrieking with joy, jumping up and down, and start chatting like old friends.

  9. First of all like everyone else has said it has forced me in a way to talk with members I haven't met or talked to before and form a connection with them. It let me get to know them to a very close relationship. Had this blog not been started I don't think I would have even thought to talk to Sonja at practice last week. It has also pumped me up for MTR and taught me to be aware of my surroundings. Dee and I discovered we were literaly feet away during all of last years MTR trip! I have also learned more about people I already know. Such as Jovanna being in the FBI. It is a way to express myself to others without feeling like someone is out to get me. As the school year wears on I find myself on here less and less but connections have been made and I realize if I haven't been on for a while because I get a text for people asking where the heck I am at.
    I now really do feel like I am always up to something (like Jordan stated at practice last week) thanks to Dee, Colleen, Sonja, and Amanda (is that all of us???) I am also expanding my vocabulary! Woot!
    I would love for more people to follow and comment because that gives us all the chance to get to know everyone that much better and we can strengthen the family bond of SR. SR was where I discovered my place to belong a year and a half ago. I know it is a place for others as well and we can all be there for each other that much more if we all talk.
    Pastor Heather-I love the friendly waving! :) *waving excitedly*

  10. Steve: I was not able to fix my pants LOL!!!!

    I love seeing the new friendships that have been made on here. I have to say I am one that reads the postes but I have not commented as much as I would. I intend on commenting more!!!

  11. I've been involved with SR a long time (7 years) and lately have felt less connected with the members than ever. So this is a great way to get to meet and learn about everyone!
    Pastor Heather - I'm a young-at-heart older-type person :) who has a hoot at shows and practices. I enjoy the challenge of keeping up with the young folks. It's really not hard - SR fills me with energy!

  12. Sarah- WOOT! ...erm, not about your pants. 0_o But about you starting to comment more!!

  13. oooohhhh i remembered something else both at sr and this blog its so easy to be yourself and everyone knows you for who you actually are. There are people at my school who think I am a preppy self centered mean girl, but honestly I can say that I am not! Well at times i can be a bit of a preppy girl ;) but on here and at sr people accept you for who you are and actually take the time to know you, and wont judge you.

  14. First of all, great to hear from you, Angie. I enjoyed meeting you at the national meeting last year. Next.... Welcome Pastor Heather. As soon as I get to middle age, I will let you know. lol. Seriously, let me know how I can help. AND.....Hey, Sarah, always a pleasure to "see" you. In a way, I think I have answered the question.

  15. I guess this blog has given me a way to reach out. Believe it or not, I'm really very shy. This is a way that random conversations can get started (and get WAY off track) with others. Sometimes it's a little intimidating to try to break into those conversations, but on here I just do it anyway where in real life I'd just sit and watch.

    I am also a "kid at heart" drumming with my daughter. This gives me a way to connect with all the drummers in SR. We moved and changed sites about a year ago and I can use this to keep in touch with friends that I don't get to see. This really helps give that bigger SR picture of family.

  16. This blog has changed me in many ways that the people who commented before me said. It has made me look forward to shows and MTR more than anything in the world. The reasons for my excitement is so that I can meet all the people who fallow this blog.

  17. Steve- right now i dont have time to read all the comments so i will read them when i get back from my game...but this blog has cheanged me so much. i have been going through a rough time in my life right now so its good to be able to go on here and talk to people. Some i am so close to but yet i have never met them a day in my life... :) but i love being able to get on here and just talk to people it helps without being able to go to practices lately :)

  18. In a short time blogging, just this week, I believe it does bring us all together. After almost five years of mostly the same drummers we are now welcoming new ones in our group. And myself and another parent are taking over site leader roles which started in January. We are changing our site dynamics with younger kids (orig group is all high school ages). We will all be challenged but in a great way. We have seen changes in our original group. They now have responsibilities (big word) to help teach the newbies the beats and they have found a new interest in continuing SR. Steve is coming tomorrow and we have 6 confirmed newbies coming to lessons, we are hoping for all to join. We have our 2nd show this year on Sunday and we are excited for everyone. This blog, just another way to connect our lives and our experiences which we share with each other, with our SR family.

  19. First of all,Pastor Heather, what is your definition of "middle-aged"? LOL! I think that this blog has given us all the opportunity to get to know people that we may not have normally got to know! And I think it was perfect timing, Steve. With MTR coming up, most of us will get to meet in person. This blog is helping us to establish a "community" of SR. We are not just a bunch of people from all over the country. Now, we have the ability to actively interact and communicate. Isn't technology amazing!!!
