Wednesday, February 24, 2010


After studying this a bit, I think our best option is if I give you guys one or two of these per week...and let you just get to know each other better through your really fun random chats.  I think that is the best I can do...since I cannot find a way that will let me do it separately within my blog. ya go...

Let's see who starts the Random Chat first!


  1. hey everyone!!! I want to hear about an awesome GOD moment that you've had! Who's gonna take the bait first?

  2. Well that would be me, Jenn! I take the bait! The awesome GOD moment that I had was with you, Jenn!!!

    This past week-end Jenn and I sang and played played praise and worship music with two other ladies at a Women's Retreat in Rapid City. We had prepared a set of songs for a break-out session called singspiration in which we challenged the ladies to think of names for God. Some responses were Savior, Abba Father, Awesome God, etc. Then we challenged them to worship and praise in song.....while we were singing, there were several moments when our voices did not sound as our own and it seemed as if a choir of angels were surrounding us. In all the years of playing and singing, I have never experienced anything like this. It was certainly a moving experience.

    The ladies that attended our session also commented on how the music sounded so phenomenal.......this is what God can do! He can take the ordinary and make it extraordinary! There are just no words to describe the feeling of the Holy Spirit within that room......

    Now Jenn, it's your turn!!!!!

  3. inb4lock.

    Haha, just kidding. :p

    Hmm... a God experience. The most awesome God moment I've had was actually an entire weekend. It was a Teens Encounter Christ weekend, if anyone knows what that is. Basically, it's a weekend long event in which you learn so much about God while traveling through the three days leading up to Easter morning. You really... ahh... I don't have any words for it except that you literally feel God's presence during that weekend. It had such a HUGE impact that I came away on a God-high that lasted several solid weeks. :)

  4. Steve I think that this is a good idea. I seem to have no more then 5 minutes maybe a not that I am not working on reading for class, nomination miinsitry appointments, writing papers working 40 hours a week, working 10 hours in church and another part time job. I think that if you make it optional but suggested then it would put the pressure off of us to read everyday, because I don't have enough time soemtimes.

  5. I am gonna say the best God moments was when me and some of friends at church were becoming members at our church. Especailly when we had to give our testimony in front of our elders. It felt as God was right there, which was very amazing. All of us girls cried! :)

  6. Jeff,

    It is required reading (as I keep saying to everyone) but no need to everyday (except for those who cannot seem to read enough on here!)...but it is what fits your schedule. As you can tell, sometimes I can post a lot, sometimes very little, and sometimes a few days with nothing...

    As long as we meet our 2010 goal...everyone in SR in one place COMMUNICATING with each other, then the blog has done its job! I digress however...back to everyone's posting of an awesome God moment...good reading!

  7. My awesome God moment was when he called me to go to Chrysalis (a spiritual retreat type thing). It changed my life A LOT!! Also, on our way home after that weekend he spared 6 of our lives!! Our vehicle could have blown up. But God didn't want it too! :)

  8. Vocational call, followed closely by ordination. Hands down.

    SRPeanut AKA Kristin!: I've been a ASD at a Chrysalis-it can truly be a phenomenal faith time. Fly on-Fly higher!

  9. *snicker*

    My last word verification was "pestorso"

    That tickles me, for some reason. :)

  10. i read this yesterday and I keep coming back to it wanting to answer it, but I never have the nerve! but here I am taking a chance! first I think that this is a really personal question and you are really challenging to us to answer it, God is always there so something dramatic had to of happened for someone to realize that he is with you the most! So I will say what I can to answer!

    So I had really been struggling with a really important question, it had to do with when I was younger, and no one knew the answer, only one person and I knew she would not tell me. So when I was younger my mom moved out for about 2 months when things were bad, and I had always wanted to know where she went, but she would not tell. Well we got into a conversation about a certain place and you could tell that she had been there, but I didnt know why. I went and prayed and I asked God if this place was where she was when she disappeared and I felt something that I had NEVER felt before in my entire life, this emotion just came over me and i had no doubt in my ming that this is where she was and God is the one who told. and I could never thank God of giving me this gift of knowledge. I truly needed to know this!

  11. An awesome God moment i have had was right before i had my head surgery. When i was about 8 a tumor started to grow on the back of my head. i went to the doctor and she said to wait and see if it got any bigger...and it did. When i went back she said that i needed an MRI because she thought it was cancer. After a couple weeks of waiting, the doctor said that i needed surgery to get this lump off my head. They told me that they could not tell if it was cancerous or not. Right before i went into my surgery i prayed to god that i would not have cancer, every night before the surgery i prayed as well. The nurse took me back and gave me the anasthetic. When i woke up the whole underneath part of my hair was shaved. The doctor told me that when the test results come back they would call us right away. Those few days were the longest of my entire life. I started thinking...what if i die, i will never be able to go to high school or have a big exciting adventure to tell about. I was praying nonstop to the point where i would not go anywhere without praying.
    when the test results came in, i was so nervous. They called me back and told me to sit down. and naturally i thought that i haad cancer...but i didnt. All that praying and asking god to help me through this, to let me live really paid off. i started to cry, but then the doctor gave me the bad news. She said that it could grow back at anytime...but it didnt. I am now 15 years old and i have to live with that knowledge that it might come back and i wont be so lucky. I pray that it wont. So i guess you could say that my best expirence with god is all the time.

  12. Collen-Wow, that is amazing. In my testimony i talked about my surgery also.Which i guess you could say my surgery was an eye opener even though mine was defiently not as big as yours

  13. Autumn- yea i guess its a miracle that i dont have cancer right now :)and if you dont mind what was your surgery for or on? you dont have to mention it if you dont want to.

  14. well, its a "mini-surgery". and it was an endoscopy. I had stomach problmes. And a endoscopy is when they put you to sleep and they put a very small camera down your thorat and take pictures of your stomach. (BTW, our stomachs look DISGUSTING!)

  15. Colleen- I never knew that... Really?! man... That gave me chills ... I love you man!

    I will write mine tomorrow. I wrote it all and me and my smarticalness hit a button and it all deleted. so now I have to write all over again.. >_< It was long to.. oh well. but I have to study for 2 test so... >_< yeah..

  16. SR has been my gift from god since I was diagnosed with cancer. I love being part of the group and role as a site leader. Each day I live as a gift from god.

  17. For me - It's being in the hospital room with my mom as my dad took his last breath. When he did, he opened his eyes and looked up. Then my mom and I saw a strange shadow move over him. It was like seeing him go to heaven. That's what I want to believe. At the wake, my 4 year old son comforted us by saying, "grandpa will be in our hearts forever, so don't be sad. He was a good grandpa and he will be an angel in heaven." I will never forget what I thought I saw that day and will never forget the words our child said to us. Truly God sent those words to comfort me with the loss of my father. When I think of those words, they make me happy. Because I know my dad loved us and I know my God loves us too. I thank God for my family and friends and our extended family in SR. Our SR experiences lately have been awe inspiring and I know God's presence has been there along the way.

  18. My grandma died five years ago while I was in class at school. I was called to the office out of class and as I was walking down the hall it hit me that this was most likely to be the reason why. A family relation works in the office and as I came down the stairs I saw her hugging my mom. When I saw this I lost it. I went back and got my stuff and we headed to Emmons to Grandma's house. We didn't speak most of the way there but all of a sudden Mom had a story to tell me.
    You see she worked with special education kids. A girl she was working with was autistic. Mom said that she and the girl were working in the morning and all of a sudden she stopped what she was doing, looked out the window, and said "Good bye Grandma!" Mom was confused because her mom had dropped her off at school that day. As we were driving up to my grandma's house she realized that the time that the girl did this was the time my grandma actually passed away. I started crying even more after that, but it was also comforting at the same time.

  19. Wow! Thanks for sharing everyone! I'm the kind of person that often likes to challenge people on their thinking. (I challenge myself the most!) So, I'm GLAD that it challenged some of you!

    I'm used to sharing about what God's doing in my life and I encourage all of you to do the same. I KNOW that God can use us to minister to others, especially in our weakest times!

    Larinda, that was an awesome God moment and I'm sooo glad that I got to share it with you! And I'm sooo glad that you shared it here! GOD ROCKS!

    You know, I've had God moments that were powerful, sent me to my knees and brought tears to my eyes. Ones that calmed my soul and filled me peace and ones that fired me up and freed me to dance and get crazy. But the most life impacting God moments has been my last couple of years. I shared before how we moved to "the middle of nowhere," South Dakota. It was a struggle. And I was going down fast! Everything was falling apart! I basically made a decision in the Fall of 08 to go to a Beth Moore Conference instead of leave my marriage! (It's hard to write this down.) Bascially, since then, the LORD with the help of some special friends, like Larinda, has done a major overhaul on my life, family and marriage! I can see His hand in everything. From moving to friends to SR! The Lord is amazing and NEVERFAILING (there's my word, Larinda). He will be with you, even when you doubt Him!

  20. P.H. (Pastor Heather) hee, hee, may I can you P.H.?

    My last verification was drojetti! We could start a whole chat on making definitions of these words. That would be hilarious!

  21. Dee- yea i dont really like talking about it much, sometimes i get a little worked up...if you know what i mean

    Denise- i cant say that i know what you are going through but i can say that god has helped me through all my hospital visits about my tumor.

    Annette- i know the feeling i went to a funeral and i swore i saw some kind of a shadow or something leave the coffin as the pastor said the praises about him.

    Kelli- wow. im sorry.

    Jenn- wow friends and god working together with you really can make a difference...and you are living proof of that :)

  22. that was/is colleen (me) who just posted :)

  23. You guys made me cry!

    I haven't really had any huge God moments. I guess I got closer to God when my mom was going through breast cancer treatment. She's been cancer-free for I think five years now. (Don't quote me on that, I'm not quite sure)

    Every day I have little God moments!

  24. Sonja- sometimes those little god moments are what get us trough the day :)

  25. Oh my goodness...I am totally crying right now:P

  26. Kristen- its not good to cry, all of us have made it through our rough times and are okay now :)

  27. Lol...yeah but I have been SUPER emotional for about a month never have before :P

  28. Kristen- its okay we all get like that at some point in time

  29. Kristen- yea my friend had that a couple months ago. so i definitely have the feeling of it.
