Friday, February 19, 2010

Coming Next Week

OK, since I was able to post Drew's Member of the Week for you all today, which will give you all plenty to read, I thought I would go ahead and post this as well.  Next week I will be getting the following done for you all and then, asking you all to consider the next step of the blog...posted here as well.

1.  Will get the answers to your questions about me done and posted.  Thanks to Dee for compiling them for me.

2.  We need to decide a final list of questions for SITE of the QUARTER and get that done, so will repost that question and let you all work on it together.

3.  I will be posting a new Chain Story beginning,  but it will be more serious...and more SR-related to see how your writing together for a more defined purpose comes together...and in prep of getting the book about SR started.

4.   I will be deciding on the "blog game" for Block 2 of the practice schedule...something for you all to do with your sites and have a prize for the winning keep an eye out for that!  Time to test it out for sure.

5.  Finally, here is the QUESTION for you to answer.  It has been suggested that it would be nice to use the blog for not only ALL of things we are doing right now (SR questions, Philosophical/Life questions, Member of the Week, Site of the Quarter, SR Book/Team writing assignments, Site Games/Prizes, A place to connect, BUT ALSO, to have occasionally, a RANDOM post that is about NOTHING, but allows you all just to chat (as you have been doing) but would also allow those who don't necessarily want to read random chats to skip that one and move onto the more serious ones.  SO VOTE you want me to add that as another component as well?)...YOUR VOTE get it done!

Did you ever imagine ALL of these things going on in one place.  AMAZING!!


  1. I really enjoy the random chat thing. It really alows us to get to know one another

  2. I enjoy the random conversations. I know I am one of them who is a part of them, but I do kind of feel bad for that. We do have a tendency to get off topic but they are started from the actual blog. We might as well try the extra space for us to just chat so others can skip over it. What do we have to lose? Not much! This is a learning experience for many people. I also agree with Drew.

  3. Yes! I think random chat topics would be a great addition to the blog. I agree with Kelli and Drew: it would help all of us to get to know one another, and if someone did want to skip over it, they could. Great idea, Steve!


    But chatting is always cool.

  5. YES!!!!!! we definitely should have one post that just lets us chat...well all of us who are constantly glued to our computers like freaks on this blog!! its a very good idea because i know that i am one of those people :)

  6. I totally agree with Kelli, Drew, David, Pastor Heather, and colleen! I think it would be amazing, and fun if we did that. I LOVE all the randomness. It makes my day. We all talk about the question and then we comment on what people say and that does get off topic. But its awesome that we can all talk and get to know each other! So I say Yes!!! Please and Thank you. :)
    and I am also one of those people that are glued to the computer. lol. and I must say im proud of it. Woot!!

  7. Yes, yes, yes! Aboslutely! I love the idea! Who knows what crazy things we'll learn about each other once we have a post that's just for Randomness!

  8. As if we need prompting to digress from the subject at hand... :) I think a spot for random posts would be a good idea. It might even encourage some more people to start posting when they see there's a spot for chatter!

  9. yes, as if we need to be more random, just kidding!

  10. I deffentily agree with everyone because I like to talk on here but I dont always have the time, and so I will know what I can skip over to only read the serious stuff and when I do have the time...if I ever have the time again I will be able to go back and read the fun conversations!

  11. I would like to be able to skip all the chatting when I am busy. I do like reading everything but I always do not have the time. Right Dee and Colleen? I am glad that this blog has become so successful but I would like to be able to answer the questions and discuss them without all of the chatting. Sorry.

  12. I also think a separate place for the chatting would be nice-sorry Kelli, Amanda and others! As a parent, I would like to see the things that pertain to SR and then if I have time, read the other.

    PS Steve-In regards to the vote, would like to offer my help (as usual) for the stats/lists/diary/resume or anything else you can think of for me!!

  13. I love the blog and think it has been a great addition. I would like to see a separate place for the random chatter. I agree that I don't always have time to skip over some of the "Unique" conversations that take a sharp turn down another path. I would like to be able to sort out the serious stuff that I need to pay attention to, but then have the option of catching up with or getting to know everyone in another spot.

  14. Dear All,

    Thanks for sharing all of this, and I will think of the best way to organize this...probably just calling Random Blogs RANDOM would do it...but will think on this over my next few days travel. Thanks for the comments one and all of you!!

  15. Being a first time blogger, it would be nice to get to the heart of things so others could post to the questions. I also enjoy hearing everyday comments, so I guess my vote really shouldn't count. Just food for thought!

  16. Steve,

    Wondering what is intended my task of stats/list, etc. That is what the database is for. I can extract any and all info. you'd likely every want from it. If you'd like to get a team together to brainstorm what is needed, I'd be happy to be part of that. Let's not create more work for anyone and duplicate efforts. The database contains a wealth of information, as you know, and is probably not being utilized anywhere it's fullest potential. Just a thought...

  17. 3,13,69,53,74,61,95,73,26,47,81. Sorry, just the readout from my random number generator. I will wait for the proper post to continue. Good idea, by the way.

  18. Tom... you just made my day ^_^

  19. Tom,

    Since I am snowed in from where we were headed today and tomorrow, and feeling kind of "lost" since I am so schedule-focused...that made me LAUGH!

    Anne Marie,

    I will talk with you further about the lists/stats/ you are right, some should come from the database. I was thinking more of the "SR Book" and how we will pull together the reams of documents from the past, and get the proper lists generated for the entire 14 year history, but going forward, some of those lists will be database generated for sure.

    More on all of that soon!
